On Oct. 7, 2024, student leaders from Sacred Heart Academy organized a high school worship night, welcoming students from various schools. Around 40 students attended, including participants from St. X, Sacred Heart, and Trinity. The night was an overall success and the event was even featured in the newspaper “The Record”. I myself was in attendance and can say it was a great experience that I would recommend it to anybody trying to connect with other Christians our age.
During the event, we first began by forming small groups in order to meet new people and talk amongst ourselves. Then, after some scripture, music, and talks, we processed to the Ursuline Motherhouse Chapel for adoration and more music. Finally, we gathered again outside for pizza and games. Overall, the night lasted from around 7:00-9:00 PM.

Due to its success, the Sacred Heart student leaders have decided to host another similar event this semester that will be held on Thursday, January 30th. It will be just like the last worship night with some additional activities. Specifically, there will be a new theme to the night: “Love in Action”. The scripture passage and discussions featured will be on theme, as well as a new activity to go along with it. Sacred Heart will be collaborating with a program founded by Mercy Senior Lily Sumner: “Wrapped in God’s Warmth”. This program creates kits for the less fortunate in our community, especially those living on the streets during the cold winter. During the worship night, students will make these kits that will then be distributed by Sumner’s organization.Everyone going is encouraged to bring supplies for the kits, however it is not necessary. Examples of these supplies could be: blankets, socks, hand warmers, flashlights, hats, or water bottles.
I would highly suggest that anyone who is interested in their faith, wants to connect more with the community of Catholic schools here in Louisville, or just wants to have a fun night of pizza and games should go.
Anyone who wants to attend should fill out the google form: here
Following Sacred Heart’s Worship Night, I will be collaborating with a few other students here at St. X to host a similar event. William Spohn and I have been wanting to start some sort of High School Youth Ministry program for the last few years but have never really had the opportunity. After attending Sacred Heart’s event, we were inspired by its success, and wanted to do something similar. The night hosted here at St. X should be just like Sacred Heart’s with slight alterations.
I encourage anyone that enjoys Sacred Heart’s worship nights should consider attending ours as well. The date for this event is not set in stone, but it should happen sometime in February. Stay tuned for more details!