Sami Hattab off to the races (M. Haas)
Midseason Track Check-in
February 21, 2023
With an excellent start to the 2023 season at the first track meet of the season, expectations are high for the team. Senior Christian Coleman believes that the season comes down to a state championship or bust.
The Tigers look to take home their fourth straight state championship; however, winning isn’t the team’s only goal.
“I want the team to build a better bond between all three divisions, distance, sprint, and field,” Coach Stewart said. “While these divisions practice at different times it will be tough, but will drastically impact the teams performance if they can become closer.

The Tigers have a strong returning team from last year. With lots of upperclassmen experience the team will need to push the younger talent every day to be great. Not only do the Tigers have experience, but also young legs that are ready to help lead the team to a title. Freshman Anthony Passafiume has shown his speed so far this season by qualifying for Adidas Nationals.
“I knew even before the season that the freshman elite 400 time was attainable for me,” Passafiume said. “I did not have my best race and ran a 57.05, but I can’t complain since it qualified me for nationals.”
Another Tiger runner who has been absolutely dominating this year is senior Christian Coleman. He has been running on varsity since his sophomore year, but has improved tremendously over the last 12 months. Not only is Coleman dominating in state but also nationally.
“He has emerged as one of the strongest athletes on our team and nationally in the hurdles,” Coach Stewart said. “I am excited about his competitive leap, but not surprised. He is a dedicated, hard-working young man, so this is a product of hard work and commitment to team and individual goals.”
The Tigers have everything laid out for them, they just have to execute. Staying healthy and coming closer as a team will put these runners in position to bring home their fourth straight state title.