Darren’s Favorite Childhood Game
Growing up, I was obsessed with Pokémon. I watched the show for hours, collected hundreds of cards, and spent days playing through each and every game. I explored vast regions aiming to become the greatest Pokémon master alongside my many teams made up of all kinds of Pokémon, but there’s one team I’ll never forget. The team where it all began… my Pokémon White team. The first choic...

Harris’s Favorite Childhood Video Game
Growing up in the age of revolutionary video game technology was essential to my childhood. Games such as Mario Kart, Star Wars: The Complete Saga, Go Vacation, and PokePark 2 raised me as much as my parents. Being able to step out of the bland, mundane world that is being a young boy in the early 2010s was essential for me. But out of all of these games, none were so instrumental to me as Lego: L...

Evan’s Favorite Childhood Video Game
When I look back on my childhood, I am reminded of the games I played during rainy days, cold winter nights, and humid, unbearable days. During those quite lonely and quiet days, I found myself playing on my 3DS. The main game I would play on it would be The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D. This game defined my childhood in so many ways that I will be unlikely to be able to describe them, but I s...

Talon’s Favorite Childhood Video Game
Video games have been a big part of my life since I was five. Games like Rayman, Animal Crossing, and Mario are classics I've been playing for as long as I can remember. These are what I grew up on and played day and night repeatedly. I continued to play these and games like them until a game came out in 2016. It has been my favorite one since it came out when I was ten, and I still play it to thi...
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