Created by Jack Koenig/photos from
These three St. X legends just so happen to be some of my favorite teachers
Jack Koenig’s Top Teachers
August 31, 2022
Did you look at your schedule and wonder how a teacher will affect your school year? If you have any of these three teachers, I can guarantee you will have a phenomenal experience in the class. These teachers have made my Saint Xavier experience very memorable.
Coach Schweitzer
There aren’t many classes I have looked forward to going to (I’m sure you feel the same), but Coach Schweitzer is able to make his students feel encouraged to do well and learn the easy to understand lessons. If a student was to get behind in any of the lessons, Coach Schweitzer will stop at nothing to catch the student up.
Learners of all ability levels can excel in this class. Open note quizzes and tests encourage students to compile comprehensive, thorough notes.
Coach Schweitzer keeps students attentive; they wouldn’t even think of gaming on their iPad. Not a class goes by without Coach Schweitzer mentioning something “worser” or interrogating a student with the phrase “let me ask you this, Batman.”

Coach Glaser
Not many teachers can say they have spent the majority of their lives at one school, but Coach Mike Glaser is one exception. A member of the 1970 graduating class, Coach Glaser embodies everything St. X.
From the very first day of class, Coach Glaser emphasizes structure and maturity. In the first week of school, he ensured every freshman knew his pant size, as most relied on his parents to do his clothes shopping.
Coach Glaser encourages academic success by awarding the Billy Glickman Award to his students. Outside of the classroom, Coach Glaser serves as an assistant coach on the basketball team and leader of the Tiger Mentor Program.

Señor Salomon
Known as Sweet ‘n’ Spicy by his most devout fans, Señor Salomon is a staple of the world languages department. If you weren’t lucky enough to have Señor, you can be blessed by his presence on the basketball court; watch out though, he will drain a three in your eye.
In the classroom, Señor will ensure all students understand and comprehend the lesson. Although Spanish can be tough, students leave the class with smiles on their faces.
Some teachers are able to recall their students’ names years later; Señor on the other hand, recalls his students’ Spanish name given on the first day of school.