Music Revives Memories with Aaron Napier
May 5, 2022
If you are a reader of Xavier News, you know how much I love music. I have a deep appreciation for anything music-related, and there is a student at St. X using his musical talents for a greater cause.
If you’ve ever had a loved one diagnosed with Dementia, you know how heartbreaking it can be. Unfortunately, there isn’t a cure, but that doesn’t mean nothing can be done.
My good friend Aaron Napier started his very own non-profit to help patients. Napier goes into nursing homes and plays music for people suffering from Dementia. Research has proven that music can actually spark memories for them.
“Think about how your favorite song makes you feel–that is how I want them to feel,” Napier said.
He started this organization way back in 2018, but Covid-19 halted its progress. Now, with life returning back to some semblance of normal, he is back to performing and growing his organization, and he needs your help.
If you are fluent in any instrument, you can greatly help this cause. Napier needs people who can play instruments, and if you are interested we are linking his Instagram below. You would be playing acoustic and folk songs. Even if you can’t play an instrument, there are still many ways for you to help out. You can always donate, and even get involved yourself. You could come to their shows and help out the sound/move equipment.
Altogether, this is generally an amazing thing we can all get behind. The future is bright for Napier, and we are leaving his Instagram so you can give him a follow (click here).

Check out this podcast with Aaron Napier and Dominic Garcia: