Everyone, once in their life, has played on a Wii. We’ve all strapped on that iconic Wii controller and attempted either Wii Sports, Wii Sports Resort, or Wii Sports Club. While playing those games you might’ve noticed you were going up against recurring characters like your own. These characters had their own specific skill sets with strengths and weaknesses. They are called Mii’s and they are a part of some of the most iconic games that have ever been in the Wii. I did extensive research to figure out the top five mii characters of all time and here they are.
#5 Pit
Pit is of German nationality and his favorite color is royal blue. He is in the games Wii Sports Club and Wii Party U. You can catch Pit playing three different sports in the Wii Sports Club game. He is a beginner in tennis, with a grade of 1. You will often play him in your first match of doubles tennis where he will be playing with Olga, another Wii CPU. He is also a beginner in baseball, with a grade of 1. He can be found playing for your team or your opponents. In boxing however, Pit is the undisputed champion with a grade of tem, which is the highest level you can get.
#4 Rachel
Rachel is of Canadian nationality and her favorite color is pink. She is in the game Wii Sports, Wii Sports Resort, and Wii Party U. You can find her playing a variety of different sprts like tennis, baseball, boxing, swordplay, basketball, table tennis and Cycling. She is Ranked with an expert difficulty and places average to high in every sport she plays besides cycling. Her best three sports are boxing, basketball, and table tennis. In boxing she has a rating of 1150 to 1333. In basketball she has a ranking of 821 to 825. Finally, in table tennis she has a ranking of 536 to 540.
#3 Lucia
Lucia is of Spanish nationality and her favorite color is orange. She is in the games Wii Sports, Wii Sports Resort, Wii Party U, and Nintendo Switch Sports. You can find her playing every sport besides boxing. In Wii Sports and Wii Sports resort she is ranked with a master difficulty and is average in every sport besides tennis, cycling, and table tennis. Tennis is easily her worst sport in these two games because she ranks as the 10th worst player out of 98. Cycling is one of her best sports where she is ranked the 9th best out of 98. Finally, Table tennis is by far her best sport because she is the Champion with a rating of 1496 to 1500. She is also rated as a volleyball legend in Nintendo Switch Sports.
#2 Tommy
Tommy is of British nationality and his favorite color is pink. He is in the games Wii Sports Resort, Wii Party U, and Nintendo Switch Sports. Tommy is an elite Mii all the way around. He has an average rating of 1151+ and excels in swordplay, table tennis, and basketball. In swordplay he has a rating of 1031 to 1035 and is ranked as a pro. In table tennis he has a rating of 926 to 930. Although he is solid at most sports, basketball stands out as his most dominant sport. He has a rating of 1496 to 1500 and he is the basketball champion. His team consists of Eva and Tyrone. They are borderline impossible to beat because they almost never miss shots.
#1 Matt
This Mii needs no introduction. He is by far the most famous and most difficult Mii to compete against in any of the Wii Sports games. Even if Matt isn’t rated high on one of the sports, if his name popped up for you to play him, you got a little nervous. Matt is of American heritage and his favorite color is orange. He is in the games Wii Sports, Wii Sports Resort, Wii Party, and Nintendo switch sports. He is best known for being the boxing champion in Wii Sport and the swordplay final boss in Wii Sports Resort. In boxing he has a rating of 1550 to 1649 and in swordplay he has a rating of 1496 to 1500. In his free time he is also a boxing coach and speed slice referee.