As I wrap up my time with Xavier News, I feel it is fit to reminisce on my time with the program and express my appreciation for the class.
During my 1 ½ years as a staff writer, I have found a way to express my interests through Xavier News. Whether that is writing about a school related athletic event or filming for an instagram reel, this class has been one to remember.
Entering into freshman year, I didn’t have much interest in English class and I wasn’t a big fan of writing in general. As I eased into the high school setting, I realized that if I used my time accordingly and found a topic of my interest, writing stories and essays wasn’t the end of the world. It was an opportunity to put my thoughts on paper for others to see.
Further into my high school career, as I was choosing electives for my junior year, I was told I would be a good fit for the journalism program. I wasn’t convinced that I would enjoy a class devoted to writing, but I gave it a shot. Little did I know I would not only write stories, but also film videos for school events, collaborate with classmates to make content, and even have occasional doughnut parties to celebrate an achievement within the program.
If you are a student who’s not certain on what classes to take next year, give journalism and multimedia publishing a shot. Even if you don’t have the same interests as me in the form of writing, you’ll find something that suits you. If you’re an outgoing person who enjoys being in front of the camera, this class is for you. If you enjoy photography or the behind the scenes action of videos you might see on social media, this class is for you. If you have absolutely no idea what you are interested in, this class is for you because you will surely find something.
As my time with the program, as well as my fellow classmates, comes to a close, I encourage future Xavier News staff to grow the brand. We’re always looking for interested students to create content for our community. All of our news stories are made by Tigers, for Tigers, and that’s a tradition we strive to continue.