Senior Cayman Kelting found an inclination toward technology and studio production at a young age. While at a wedding, he spotted a DJ for the first time and was mesmerized as an inspiration grew inside of him.
“It wasn’t about the DJ or the music,” Kelting stated. “It was about the equipment. The glorious speakers and minimum lights.”
Kelting, enthralled with technology, quickly became involved in all things lights, sound, and electricity. He formed an obsession involving Christmas lights and formulating an unbreakable record of awards for the most festive decorations in grade school. It wasn’t until fifth grade that the spark for tech manifested for Kelting. During this time, his sister was involved in SHSA dance and Cayman was dragged to every performance.
“I never paid attention to what was happening on stage, but was so mesmerized by the lights and the sound that I had to get into it,” Kelting said.

Cayman got in touch with the director of the dance program and manager of the theater, landing his first position as a technician of the theater. He started in the audio department and moved to other positions, but ended up in lighting and management. As he was promoted to running audio for plays and musicals, as well, Kelting was appointed as the Assistant Technical Director for the Ursuline Arts Center. He also helped out around his middle school with lights and audio for the eighth grade plays. At this point, technical theater with audio and lighting was bright inside of Cayman and he couldn’t wait to see where his future would end up.
One of the most influential points in Cayman’s carrier up to this point was his introduction into high school. With a choice between St. X and DuPont Manual’s YPAS for design and production, he chose to be a Tiger and never looked back. Kelting was fortunate enough that a leader to manage the lighting was needed at the time of his arrival. He took the position and worked his way up to run the tech program as a whole.
“When we take a look at my freshman year, I was only doing Theater Tech,” Kelting asserted, “But I also joined the Tiger Tech Team where I allowed my curiosity and knowledge about technology to spread and develop.”
Cayman didn’t know Mr. Mitchell, the moderator of WSTX and representative of the media and technology department, before his freshman year besides an email that introduced himself. During the summer prior to his sophomore year, Cayman and Mr. Mitchell worked to upgrade the theater tech and bring in new equipment. It would be a major challenge, but would prove to be beneficial to not just the theater program, but the school as a whole as St. X has been able to gain a new sense of technology from these upgrades.

Jumping into sophomore year, Kelting started to shine even brighter. Along with designing new lighting systems, he got into broadcasting and quickly became a leader of the program. Cayman went through several online courses to gain a greater understanding of the school’s equipment. Cayman’s biggest upside, however, is being able to teach himself.
“I taught myself how to design, program, and operate lighting,” Cayman stated. “I have basically self taught myself everything that I do or know.”
The spring of his sophomore year is when Cayman’s career of game broadcasting came to life. At the time, the crew only consisted of two members of WSTX and two of Xavier News to call the games. However, over the next few years, the broadcasting crew and network would grow to one of the most successful in the state.
Junior year eventually came around and things continued to be smooth sailing. Cayman become a founding member of the Tiger Sports Network and became a huge factor of the athletic department at St. X. Starting with one camera, the department expanded to a full audio network, scoreboard data network, viewing monitors, and different video programs. It was time to go out with the old and in with the new.
When the spring musical arrived, it was decided to make this the biggest musical St. X has ever produced by brining in a state of the art lighting rig. St. X had now seen the most progress in the technological aspects of the school’s history and wasn’t willing to look back.
“I can say that I basically went out with a bang my junior year,” Cayman exalted. “IT WAS AMAZING!!!!!!”
That brings things to senior year. Cayman was quite sad about designing his last shows and final broadcasts. He was told by teachers and staff that they wish they could have him for another four years because of the success that was evident from his work. Although he wishes he had more time, Cayman understands that every designer has to design a final show, every director has their final broadcast, and it is about time for Cayman Kelting to shut down all of his equipment for the last time.
“Sadly for me, the light inside me leading me on my path is growing and shining so bright, but the light on my path at St. X is beginning to fade,” Cayman stated.

Needless to say, Cayman has been the face of the media and technology department for the Tigers since he began as a freshman. He holds a current position as each of the following:
- WSTX’s Director and Studio Manager
- Tiger Sports Network’s Director
- Tiger Tech Team’s President and Lead Tech
- Theater’s Technical Director, Lighting Designer, Audio Designer and Engineer, Projections Manager, and in charge of rigging everything
- Saint Xavier High School’s Summer IT Worker
Cayman expressed his long schedule on a daily basis being involved in each of these programs. He has something going on every single day of the week, but he wouldn’t wish to do anything else. For sports broadcasts, he doesn’t leave until about ten o’clock at night.
“The general day consists of getting to school early, directing WSTX, going to class, using quite a few lunch periods working in the theater or TV Studio, and going to the studio or theater after school to do some work,” Kelting explained.
Cayman does not know where he plans on attending college at the moment, but he prefers somewhere that will allow him to grow. He will major in lighting design to get his BFA. His love for technology and broadcasting continues and he will find a way to stay involved in the subjects.
As Cayman prepares to leave the St. X halls for the final time as a student, he looks for new shoes to fill his prior positions. You must have the passion to train and teach yourself everything there is to know about a specific subject. You don’t have to be instantly great at what you do, you just need the drive to want to get better.
“If you are ever interested in doing something, reach out to a teacher or another student,” Cayman noted, “I am always looking for more people to join my crew.”