No matter if you’re a Cats or Cards fan, you’ve more than likely heard the name Will Levis before. Attracting attention has been no trouble for the now Titans starting quarterback, whether it be from his impressive Kentucky career, taking bites out of dark unpeeled bananas, or putting mayo in his coffee as if it were a delicious creamer.
Interestingly enough, Levis has a tie to the St. X community — a tie that is more than just having played at UK. From 2014-2018, Levis attended Xavier High School. Just like St. X, Xavier is one of thirteen Xaverian Brothers Sponsored Schools. Founded in 1963, the near 700 student all-male school is located in Middletown, Conn. It was here that Levis was formed into the man and athlete he is today.

Levis was an astounding football player for the Xavier Falcons. He became the varsity starting quarterback in his sophomore year, and broke records with 2,771 passing yards and 27 touchdowns in his senior year. Yet, his athletic talents are hardly what he’s remembered for by his teachers and mentors in the Xavier community. In an interview with CT Insider, Levis’ former teachers describe him as a man of excellent academic standing, faith, and character. Levis was an honors student at Xavier High, graduating with a 4.0 GPA. He had no reason to take honors classes, because it was guaranteed that he’d be on a D1 scholarship for football. Levis, being the motivated guy he is, still took rigorous courses to further challenge himself and strengthen his resume. He had no problem with seeing his teachers for help, rewriting papers, or doing whatever he had to do to get his schoolwork in order.
On top of this, Levis also involved himself heavily in Xavier’s service program. Similar to St. X, Xavier prides itself on service and community outreach. Levis was part of a mission trip to Guatemala his junior year, building houses for impoverished Ciudad Vieja residents. He spent hours playing soccer with the children after they came back from school, genuinely having fun and living in the moment. Faith and service always stayed key to Levis’ everyday life, and on his throwing arm you’ll find a “2nd Chronicles 15:7” tattoo. The verse reads, “But as for you, be strong and do not be discouraged, for your work shall be rewarded.”
Furthermore, Levis is described as a man of character, determination, grit, and organization; the list of adjectives goes on.He was a problem solver on and off the field. He was motivated, and when told he wasn’t capable of doing something, he would do it. Most importantly, Levis’ mentors say that he was never self-centered. He used his gifts and talents to serve God and others – a true Xaverian man.