A six-time state champion, Coach Kevin Wallace has started off his sixth season at St. X on the right foot. With a 3-0 start and an impressive win over Male, the Tigers look like one of the state’s top teams to beat. Despite the success, Coach Wallace doesn’t get the attention he deserves.
Too often when interviewed, he’s asked about his team, players, or game plan, rather than questions about himself and his career. Wallace lives a busy life in and out of his job, much of which the St. X community may not be familiar with.
With nearly forty years of coaching experience, it’s safe to say that Coach Wallace has been at it for a while. Coaching one of the top programs in Kentucky comes with a big-time commitment, which he called the hardest part of his job.
“The time commitment has taken me away from things that I should be doing with my family,” Wallace said. “That was much more difficult when my sons were young and during the latter years for my parents.”
During the season, Wallace is working nearly every day. He and the team are occupied with scouting reports, lifts, film, practice, and games.

“Saturday, we bring our team in to evaluate game video and lift,” Coach Wallace added. “The following hours of most Saturdays, I use for a bit of decompression. However, for the more important games, I will begin scouting work. Sunday, our staff meets, studies scouting analytics, and prepares game plans for offense, defense, and special teams.”
In short, Wallace doesn’t catch much of a break; however, the long hours don’t stop Coach Wallace from loving what he does.
“I began coaching because I loved sports and competition,” he said. “Forty-two years later, I am still coaching because of the energy provided by the relationships you build and the passion that develops from a team working together to reach one goal.”
Wallace finds his motivation for coaching in these relationships with players and coaches alike. As he put it, coaching is “busy, but it is a labor of love.”
When away from his position as the Tigers’ head coach, Wallace enjoys quality time with his family and engaging in his favorite hobbies.
“I am an ‘only child’ and still have some need for alone time,” he shared. “That usually involves reading. Dana and I travel when our schedules allow. We enjoy spending time with our family, but I would describe us as being very comfortable at home. During the football season, I enjoy following former players that are playing or coaching in the NFL and college football.”